huayshan and marianne

Sunday, January 21, 2007


it's surprising how fast time flies. it's coming to the end of the month! and it seems like such a short while ago that i celebrated my birthday. ah.

HAHA wy got OWNED! and okay valerie as long as you're happy.. :D haha.

thanks to wanyun, i've realised that keeping canoe and studies as two separate parts of my life can make me a more relaxed and peaceful person. i give my best for every training and once it's over i don't worry about anything. all i do is feed myself and rush home for a nap before i start on my work. and i just love doing my homework. it makes me feel so secure, cause i know that nobody can put me down if i do my work. also, like lina said, this is my last year in JC, this is the final stretch. so why not just throw myself into the lion's den, torture myself, and push myself to the max? it should be worthwhile. i hope. or lina,i'll turn you into lina fritters.

i realised about ten minutes ago that i have to write an essay for the SAT. i keep discovering new things about it. five minutes ago, i flipped to a page in the SAT guidebook that said "for every wrong answer, marks will be deducted." i'm beginning to really hate that corpulent book, it has a knack for making my stomach churn. and when my stomach churns i get the runs. i'm sure all the 4/2 people remember how i used to sprint to the toilet like 5 times a day during the prelim period. i think the class beside mine thought i was training for some marathon la, sprint pass the class every one hour. wonder which of my parents gave me this gene.

other than my insane, slave-driving cca, i love school and school life. i know that there are a lot of people around me who are facing all sorts of problems now and i really wish i could help them out. but sometimes, i think we ourselves are the solution to our problems. for me, it was all in the mind. all i had to do was to change my mindset. hmmph. i sound strong now but why do i have the feeling that in a few days time, i'll be condemning life again? i'll just take things one at a time. deal with my problems as they come instead of worrying about them BEFORE they come. just like the SAT. wahlau..

i stole an egg from the hostel fridge once. but i replaced it la :D


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