huayshan and marianne

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


i hate it when you suddenly realise that while you were within a 10m radius of someone you really wanted see, you missed seeing that person.

i have had only TWO teachers in my entire education, that really deserve to be called teachers, that aren't just random people becoming teachers to make a living. i can't believe i missed seeing one of them today ahh! if only i had taken a closer look at the math competitors today.

my sec 4 math teacher and class teacher. yeah, often he had his off-moments, but i think it's only cause he cared too much for us. I'ld never ever forget the night when he and ms teo listened patiently to us during self-awareness camp! i really enjoyed his lessons in school cause he always managed to infuse just the right amount of work with the right amount of fun. and when prelims drew near, i remember having night remedials every night, and we would all(THE ENTIRE CLASS) willingly stay back and those lessons were both useful and fun. the whole class really stayed back. willingly. no complaints. that's how good he was. he boosted my math grades from the low Bs to the high As in half a year. i remember how immersed i was in everything he taught. i never went out of his class feeling confused. i went out feeling more secure.he was the best math and class teacher i have ever had. he's the reason why i'm in vj today.

ooh my cute lit teacher! all of us are just crazy about him please. it's been only 4 months but i already worship the ground he walks on. besides being an exact replicate of the laughing buddha, he actually makes me dread the end of his lessons,can u believe that. thursday lessons end at 2.30, and i often wish that the clock would go slower. he knows everything, oh man, from all the ancient greek mythology to random facts like all the kings and all their hanky-panky. you can really see that twinkle in his eyes when he teaches. and you can't help being hooked onto every single word he says. everything he says is useful and insightful, and i couldn't ask for a better lit teacher.

i also have teachers that make my blood pressure rise to an alarming level and i wish they would just resign if they can't find it within themselves to be passionate about imparting their knowledge onto us. bio,gp and math would be so much more stimulating if only i had different teachers.i get so mad sometimes when they don't teach well and are unaware of it. teachers like mr tan and mr ho are so, so rare. they are the kinds that ensure u leave their lessons feeling satisfied and well, smarter.they are the ones with that spark in them when they start talking.

i really dislike bio,math,and gp tutorials. i get so angry, and when i get angry, i feel hot, and i don't like that cause the weather is so hot already. ah. i'll never forget those two teachers though. when i'm married and working, i'll visit them and bring along some goodies like paus and chwee kueh for them. i promise:)


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