huayshan and marianne

Friday, March 16, 2007


ahhhh it's been an extremely nice and relaxing break. mmmhmmm. i've been doing lots of snoozing, eating and well, sleeping. and i've enjoyed every single minute of the hols! went for my first run after THREE weeks today and ah i feel good. exercise is like a mild drug; you can't survive without it after doing it for a long period of time. mmmhmmm yeappp.

talked to the other team ppl too and i do miss them so man.. i even miss zhi wei and his crap. eunice and her grumbling. ahh.

school's starting next week and i'm all HYPED up for it! i had a really good rest and break and i'm ready to start my engine, BROOOM BROOOOOOM! i remember this period of time, last year. OLC. ahh, you have NO idea how much i regret dropping odac. sure i tell myself lots of times i've gained things from my current cca(GAWD i can't even bring myself to type its name out cause my teacher-in-charge thinks i'm unworthy of being part of the team) that i wouldn't have gotten from odac. but ahh bleh. my only consolation is that without my current cca, i wouldn't have some of the close friends that i have now.

meeting one of my favouritEST girlfriends tommorow and i can't wait, cher. i won't be late :p you know i've made her wait an hour before. heh.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERLYN AND CORRINE HO! may the mahashita tribe bless you and your scrambled eggs!


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