huayshan and marianne

Sunday, February 04, 2007


hullo everybody. feel like using this colour eh heh.

okay sorry for the rather sad and suicidal post yesterday. you must understand that everyone has their off-days :) okay today was reasonably good, i felt better after cca and i hope things keep going this way. ah,well.

random. but i feel like lately i've been a very irritating person to be with. i've been whining and grumbling about my cca, my tutorials, and well, practically anything there is to grumble about. also i think i've been rather swollen headed and annoying over the photoshoot thing.sorry guys if i've gotten on any of your nerves. i'm passing thru my pms phase soon. next week onwards, huay shan will be back to normal. she will shoo her classmates to lessons and sleep during lectures. haha. btw, any s33 ppl reading this- JTS is next sat. confirmed alr, no changes yeah.

let's talk about classes. hmmph. i've been fortunate enough to be in classes that house only one scholar-me! ah i simply love being the only scholar around. ooh, let's talk about being a scholar. i bet you all are scratching the lice (KIDDING!) off your heads wondering what it's like. ooh lala let me enlighten you all. first off, you immediately become labeled as SMART. if you sleep in lessons, everyone's mind goes-wah piang she study until so late then so tired. although many believe that having no parents around is a blessing, THINK AGAIN. i've given up on cooking after poisoning myself a million times so i have to succumb to hostel food sigh which is, for your information, gross. and there's a constant war between me and my roommate over the toilet,esp when it comes to answering VERY URGENT calls from nature. cause, you see, the second person to enter the toilet gets the benefit of well, enjoying the ambience created by the previous occupant's stuff. but usually i win. heh cause sometimes i hide the toilet paper so when my roommate runs out to look for it, i sprint in and lock the door. ah, being a scholar isn't easy. you have to have survival instincts, my friends.

that's all for today. see you around!


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