huayshan and marianne

Sunday, May 06, 2007


ahh it's been long. i was expecting a tag from ben saying-oh marianne u own huayshan now! :p

just a random non-important question:

do you believe that everything happens for a reason, or is it just an excuse we all make to reassure ourselves after all the wrong choices we've made?

been running myself a lot lately,so that i can fit into my uniform mmhhmm. i think i must look rather unfit cause for the past few days some lao ah kongs with pot bellies and headbands round their forehead,ninja-turtle style, have been trying to compete with me. i'm proud to say that i lose sight of them after around 2 minutes of hard running. after which i crash and start jogging at a snail's pace.

i was pretty stressed today cause i slept the day away till like 6 sigh. when i went to run, i saw a whole lot of malay mats chillin by the beach, playing booming, perverted akon songs and having so much fun and then it kinda struck me that i'm really narrow minded. i'm always thinking life sucks when in actual fact, I suck. im the one making things sucky for myself. if life really sucked, those mats wouldn't be boogying to "i wanna f*** you" (told u akon was gross)

well, a lot of people have been really nice to me lately so here are some thank yous:

elizabeth,for the blank cd
frederick, for trying to use the above mentioned blank cd to burn songs for me.and for your cds.
lina,for downloading all my songs into mei hwa.
liesel,for your kind heels.
elise,for all your lovely movies.
vanessa,for being my verygoodbuddy:)

byebye all. mwa.


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