huayshan and marianne

Thursday, January 22, 2009

the most exciting thing that's happened to me for the past few days is:

BEN AND JERRYS is selling for 5 pounds for two tubs! in singapore, it's what- 12 dollars per tub? now that the exchange rate is 2.1, it means it's about 10 dollars for two tubs. do the math, it means it's friggin 5 dollars per tub i am saving 7 dollars per tub!! thank you oh Lord for allowing me to feel guilt-less for once when i whip out my wallet here. i have two tubs of cookie dough sitting in my freezer now. :)

i am swamped with work. anatomy is my life. anatomy's like this bunch of sessions where you have to prepare the worksheets given( i have a massive black file which is about the size of one packet of rice(okay.. exaggerating but only a little!) that is packed with anatomy worksheets) and go through them during the sessions. and mind you ah, i know NOTHING about these worksheets i have to read through the topic myself and try my best to write something down. most of the time i end up copying answers i dont understand from the textbook, which is larger than my black file. about 5-20 pages per worksheet. depends on my luck.

so i have three worksheets to prepare for monday(this term is madness usually the most i have is one worksheet per day), one on tuesday, and oh yeah, one for this friday. and i have other random things to worry about like how i just realised i messed up some bank stuff my dad asked me to do- instead of selecting the option to put the interest in after 6 months, i opted to put the interest in monthly- and my dad will of course thump his chest and scream my ears away about how incompetent a nincompoop i am. hoping to try to fix it but not sure if im allowed to but ohwells, life life..

so thats me. i know i have lots of emails and msges to reply :( marianne esp im sorry uve been such a loyal updater. :)

chinese new year's coming! but im not going for any events- i want to save money so i can spend with elise in london. oh ya, GUYS i'm visiting elise on the 6th to 8th of feb! also want to finish up my work. i can proudly say that i AM more hardworking this term. still got TONS to catch up on but i am better. =D

i'm ok here.. almost reaching my equlibrium point( WINK, vanessa) just a few glitches to fix. and i'm doing as liz says- socialising when i WANT TO not when i feel like i have to. sigh was talking to clara and we both agreed that at the end of 5 years we'ld end up friendless. and hahahaha. things are getting boring as the days go by but stability is good and comforting. heh.

i'm going to read a bit more now and get my ben and jerrys out. tmr i have IP :( boo. i hate IP. it's just some stupid thing. i'll talk about it another time. just know for now that i HATE IP.

a hug.



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