huayshan and marianne

Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Saturday

So the big day finally came and went and I must say it was pretty successful (: I had lots of fun getting high and doing nonsense and I hope that all of you who came down felt the same way (: The pictures are really pretty cos it's all so colourful! I'm glad all the girls dressed up. I think all the touch girls looked really good (: And special mention to YS, Linus and Yao for taking time to dress up despite their army commitments. Kudos to you guys! (especially to Yao, who made the most effort with the stars!) Thanks for the photos (: And thanks to all those who came down and gave your support. I really appreciate it and thank you from the bottom of my heart (: It's really tiring and stressful to organise such an event but it was really worth it seeing everyone laugh and smile (:

So that was how my Saturday night was spent and it was really so much fun (: I tried so many new shots and my favourite is still the flaming lambo. It was so much fun drinking with Yao, Chriselle and Aaron. Fun singing and dancing at the bar when we got really high. Even though it was probably highly embarrassing, it was a ton of fun and worth sacrificing my face for. HAHA.

Alright, a less busy week up ahead but fun-filled nonetheless. Thank goodness the paced has slowed down a lot or I'd die. Another time then!


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