huayshan and marianne

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

about taking a CHILL PILL

i've been a bit less kiasu this week and it's been quite refreshing. i'm not stressing out running around trying to make my breaks productive, i'm not staying back late and taking the (dirty) bus back.. it's been nice.

Today, I laughed 4 times.

1) A 60 year old patient asked for my number. He also mentioned he was divorced and that his ex wife was 24. See guys, I'm single by choice, I can get a boyfriend/sugar daddy whenever I like.

2) The consultant asked me, "Do you like partying?" and bewildered as to why he would suddenly ask me such a strange question (and troubled by the amount of unwanted attention I seemed to be attracting from old men) I thought he meant to say "partink" and that it must be some kinda disease/drug I know nothing about. So I was like uh.. what's partink? and he was like, you know like clubbing and drinking and i was like.. OHHH and then he was like "Do you know what alcohol is?" which set everyone off cause clearly he must have thought I was some illegal immigrant from China who barely speaks English.

3) One of the girls in my firm's phone went off and she was in the loo, so we all looked at it dubiously and then this guy from my firm that makes me laugh every 5 minutes, nonchalantly sauntered over to the table, picked the phone up and said "Bonjour!" I nearly fell off my chair and wet myself.

4) Said guy was the first to get dropped off and while he was getting his bag out of the car boot, the girl driving started driving off and he was like "YAAH!" which set me off again(every 5 minutes i swear) and as she drove off she was like, omg imagine if i had killed Ben, and proceeded to tell us about how she had almost killed her sister the night before. I almost wet myself. again.

cant wait to see what tomorrow will bring me.



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