huayshan and marianne

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

two things i hate about huayshan

i am a horrid horrid girl. basically this was my plan for today. wake up at 10, head to school,teach at 11.30, leave at 1, meet jonathan and anthea at 2.30, then go shop for shoes(pretty fit has a sale,which friska introduced to me when we went out to watch charlie wilson's war which was BORING and btw friska is my very good indonesian ex-hostel friend) and go for driving at 7pm. and what happened? shanshan woke up at 130, yelped,contemplated suicide, and eventually canceled lunch with jt and anthea(sorry eh) and met her student at changi airport for extra lessons, and headed straight for driving after. man i suck.

then driving. good heavens the instructor kept scolding me and at one point claimed he was very disappointed in me and that his dinner was coming out anytime soon:( haha but at the end of it all he said i was pretty good for a beginner! yah but i almost peed in my pants lah i was driving down a road and this darned old man just HAD to run across the road to the mobile toilets which just HAD to be placed across the road. anyways i was struggling to control the accelerator and was pretty close to ramming the old dude down and we had eye contact for awhile and he had that oh-praise-the-lord-i'm-still-alive look in his eyes.scary. but with practice i think i'll be pretty darn good(:

one more point. i'ld like to say that the greatest pain in this world,other than childbirth which i've yet to experience, is caused by FOOD POISONING. woke up four times to poo(which was prob why i woke up late) and my stomach hurt so bad i had to pull my hair to distract myself from the pain. which reminds me of the very famous incident that happened two years back. i shat in my pants in the boat just before a 1k race and poor ruiyi was behind me. just as peiying yelled go i screamed, shit!shit! and those mean ppl insisted on continuing the race so i had to tolerate the discomfort and finish the race. was our best timing though,that race,probably cause ruiyi couldn't wait to get back to shore, and the rest were too busy laughing. behhhh.BEH.

<3 huayshan


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