huayshan and marianne

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Sometimes, I wonder whether I'm making the correct decision. I hate the feeling that I'm becoming the person I didn't want to be when it comes to such matters. I'm trying very hard to be independent and I believe I will succeed. But sometimes, when I saw the photos, a totally different feeling came up inside of me. It ate me up inside and I felt frustrated and sad. Sometimes I wonder whether I mean enough, whether I'm actually worth the time and effort. I know I shouldn't have such doubts but I can't help it. It's annoying that I actually have such thoughts in the first place. Oh well, I made the decision so I have to stick with it and not look back. It's so hard but maybe I am over thinking things. I should just take it easy and just go for it? I don't know. This is so frustrating and the most frustrating part of it all is myself. UGH!
Hell week is coming to an end (finally). It's been a long and draining journey. I am sick and tired of everything and I need a good break. I hope things get settled asap because I can't stand the uncertainty of it all. I just hope things take a turn for the better. It's not good that I'm getting frustrated at such an early stage but like what a friend once said: sometimes you have to go through shit first to know what's good. I sure hope his saying is true.
Sorry for the rant. I'm just physically and mentally exhausted. I really, truly need a good break. Maybe I really am too committed for my own good. Oh well, I've made them already so no point looking back now and regretting.
Alright, time to head out yet again. GGXXYYZZ11223344!



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