huayshan and marianne

Saturday, March 29, 2008


i have kinda made up my mind, I'm going to take up the offer at birmingham no matter what. Although it's highly likely that I won't have a choice let me just geh kiang here and assume that I do get into either monash or unsw lah hor. I'm pretty much all set to take up birmingham's offer. been spending the past few days talking to random people and emailing half the people in uni of birmingham(HAHHAHA seriously. i think they think i'm some siao asian) and yeah, basically the impression I've gotten is that the unviersity's respectable, just that the city is a tad dangerous. something like kl, a guy told me but ohwell, i LIVE in kl. so,yes! if all goes well, and I don't screw up the admissions process cause there are so many darned forms to fill up, i guess it's byebye to alot of money and helloooo angmoh version of kl! exciting huh. i honestly NEVER thought i'ld actually be one of those people studying overseas. i feel cool.

okay. my brother's girlfriend just came back with an enormous white bag that resembles that of santas and she kindly allowed me to dig thru the bag and here's what i found. piles of halters and tank tops and tubes from mango and zara and handbags of all shapes and sizes and a random pair of boots and roller skates. gotta ask her whats up with that later. and she said the stuff all belonged to her housemate who was planning to throw the stuff's insane. i'm gonna continue digging i found a few things i like already. hahahaha alrightssss loveyaall

xxoo huayshannn


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