hello, everybod-eh!
i am very content now. i still abhor my cca trainings but i've, yes, learnt to regard canoe as a separate part of my life. and since i love school and my dear friends, i therefore conclude that i, yuen huay shan, am happy. :) actually i'm just in a good mood cause i managed to stay awake instead of sleeping after training haha.
i've been thinking a lot about this year recently. it's my last year wearing a uniform! and well, i'm really going to miss school cause i know university just ain't going to be the same. and i've been trying to relish every single second i have in vjc cause i love being in it, and wearing the uniform. the treehouse, the canteen, the hall toilet, the track, east coast. and the people.. i love waving and smiling at random ppl all around school. i keep trying to squeeze as much memories as i can into my mind without shoving out other information, like well, academic stuff. i know A LOT of people who aren't too happy in the jc that they're in, or perhaps even in vjc, and i feel so blessed that i'm not one of them.
i have been practicing my smiles and poses in the mirror and at random bus stops so that i, yuen huay shan, will bring honour and glory to 06S33. however, after a few days of unsuccessful posing and smiling, i have concluded that i am either an extremely ugly person or that i am just unphotogenic. however, seeing that i cannot back out , i shall choose my two favourite poses- the "act hee-hee-haa-haa" smile and the "omigod you're so short" pose. oh, the latter is for the shot with fred, albeit he's taller than me.but by a BIT only. sorry fred. i've already rehearsed in the toilet until my roommate hammered the door to check if i was alive. so i have to use it. you guys want to see? i show you in school. haha ignore my seeming insanity, my life is so boring you see, so aiyah, cheap thrill lah. my dear classmates of 06S33, you have to stop the offers for sponsorship for plastic surgery and the ocassional, "wah huayshan you CMI"s. boey tahan man.
okay that's all for today. bye guys!