huayshan and marianne

Monday, January 29, 2007


hello, everybod-eh!

i am very content now. i still abhor my cca trainings but i've, yes, learnt to regard canoe as a separate part of my life. and since i love school and my dear friends, i therefore conclude that i, yuen huay shan, am happy. :) actually i'm just in a good mood cause i managed to stay awake instead of sleeping after training haha.

i've been thinking a lot about this year recently. it's my last year wearing a uniform! and well, i'm really going to miss school cause i know university just ain't going to be the same. and i've been trying to relish every single second i have in vjc cause i love being in it, and wearing the uniform. the treehouse, the canteen, the hall toilet, the track, east coast. and the people.. i love waving and smiling at random ppl all around school. i keep trying to squeeze as much memories as i can into my mind without shoving out other information, like well, academic stuff. i know A LOT of people who aren't too happy in the jc that they're in, or perhaps even in vjc, and i feel so blessed that i'm not one of them.

i have been practicing my smiles and poses in the mirror and at random bus stops so that i, yuen huay shan, will bring honour and glory to 06S33. however, after a few days of unsuccessful posing and smiling, i have concluded that i am either an extremely ugly person or that i am just unphotogenic. however, seeing that i cannot back out , i shall choose my two favourite poses- the "act hee-hee-haa-haa" smile and the "omigod you're so short" pose. oh, the latter is for the shot with fred, albeit he's taller than me.but by a BIT only. sorry fred. i've already rehearsed in the toilet until my roommate hammered the door to check if i was alive. so i have to use it. you guys want to see? i show you in school. haha ignore my seeming insanity, my life is so boring you see, so aiyah, cheap thrill lah. my dear classmates of 06S33, you have to stop the offers for sponsorship for plastic surgery and the ocassional, "wah huayshan you CMI"s. boey tahan man.

okay that's all for today. bye guys!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

life and death

today is a horrible day.
i heard the most shocking news.
life can be so cruel.
it's amazing how such a simple word such as "life",
can be so complex in reality.
yet life goes on,
admist the sadness and despair.
all i can do now is pray

more photos. my good buddies :) ah, miss them all in their own way. i even miss my twinnies in separate ways.

i've been feeling rather blah. well today's training went good, i managed to fight the devil in my head and put in my best for all twelve rounds. mmmhhmmm good girl, huay shan. well done to pang pang, and my dear bay bay i wish u could run like that all the time. u're really wasting ure potential.

wanna know sth interesting about me? when i was in kindergarten i had 7 boyfriends. yes yes i can practically hear the shrieks of disbelief or maybe even disgust -_- from you guys. aye i was hot stuff okay. i had really long shiny black hair. guys love girls with long shiny black hair when they're five or six. i got dumped seven times when my mom made me cut my hair. sigh. and now? long hair, short hair, i can't get anybody to look at me -_- i think the only thing that would make people look at me is for me to have NO hair.

anyway, that was just random. buh bye everybody and have a good week ahead!

Sunday, January 21, 2007


it's surprising how fast time flies. it's coming to the end of the month! and it seems like such a short while ago that i celebrated my birthday. ah.

HAHA wy got OWNED! and okay valerie as long as you're happy.. :D haha.

thanks to wanyun, i've realised that keeping canoe and studies as two separate parts of my life can make me a more relaxed and peaceful person. i give my best for every training and once it's over i don't worry about anything. all i do is feed myself and rush home for a nap before i start on my work. and i just love doing my homework. it makes me feel so secure, cause i know that nobody can put me down if i do my work. also, like lina said, this is my last year in JC, this is the final stretch. so why not just throw myself into the lion's den, torture myself, and push myself to the max? it should be worthwhile. i hope. or lina,i'll turn you into lina fritters.

i realised about ten minutes ago that i have to write an essay for the SAT. i keep discovering new things about it. five minutes ago, i flipped to a page in the SAT guidebook that said "for every wrong answer, marks will be deducted." i'm beginning to really hate that corpulent book, it has a knack for making my stomach churn. and when my stomach churns i get the runs. i'm sure all the 4/2 people remember how i used to sprint to the toilet like 5 times a day during the prelim period. i think the class beside mine thought i was training for some marathon la, sprint pass the class every one hour. wonder which of my parents gave me this gene.

other than my insane, slave-driving cca, i love school and school life. i know that there are a lot of people around me who are facing all sorts of problems now and i really wish i could help them out. but sometimes, i think we ourselves are the solution to our problems. for me, it was all in the mind. all i had to do was to change my mindset. hmmph. i sound strong now but why do i have the feeling that in a few days time, i'll be condemning life again? i'll just take things one at a time. deal with my problems as they come instead of worrying about them BEFORE they come. just like the SAT. wahlau..

i stole an egg from the hostel fridge once. but i replaced it la :D

what's been up!

well, it's time for the australian open once again and i'm hyped up! go federer!

as the commentator said,
you can either watch federer and use up all the superlatives,
or you can just watch and admire.
i choose to admire, cos my vocab's that limited!

on a duller note, life's been pretty busy lately! all the catching up to do! it's really tiring and exhausting! thank goodness for trainings, the friends, the lunches and dinners, or i really wouldn't survive! alright, well it's time to get back to my work or i'd never see daylight after tomorrow. sigh. j2 life sucks.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


this is merely to remind everybody that i'm still alive. hello, rui yi, hello valerie i hope you have suceeded in containing your laughter, though i don't see what's so funn-eh.kat, my orientation was good:)

cca is still driving me oohlala crazy but i've resorted to silent vulgarities instead of loud complaints. school is already boring, and stressing me out. but i take comfort in watching people snooze away during lectures. i always think, like HAH, YOU GOT OWNED!

just realised i haven't blogged much abt my dear creonaders so i shall pay a little tribute to them. first there are a bunch of noisy ah bengs who insist on bugging me about my secret crush on someone i sat next to in a lecture -_- bunch of coconut heads. but haha, yea lah they're cool people. interesting too :D as for the girlies, i made a few new bosom buddies like beeting, jeannie, amanda and huihui. ahhhh, love.

okay back to work. or sleep. or SATS, oh crap SATS. okay byebye everybody. bye valerie.

Monday, January 15, 2007

odyssey 2007

odyssey 2007

the best og -- og 14 :)

my favourite ogls :) who made the experience rocking!

the sweetest and brightest bunch of people :) you guys rock!

odyssey 2007 was one of the best experiences i've ever had! am i ever so glad i took up that form! i really enjoyed myself despite being utterly exhausted after each day. the orientation has given me so much more than just a great time! it's given me great friends from the greatest house-- shackleton! :) nothing more i could ask for! i had such a blast with these fellas and all the funny things we did together! i was really touched by them too :) the sweetest bunch of ogls i had. the moral support through the most stressful period of orientation was really sweet and touching :) :) i could not have asked for a more rocking group than them! :) i love you guys to bits! :)

and not to mention, my rocking og! it's amazing how they seem to resemble 06s12. they seem to have inherited some of our traits :) heh. and it was a wonderful experience. they are such a fun bunch! :) and it makes me swell with pride seeing them bond as a class :) that's the best thing i could ask for :) i really hope they continue to keep the spirit! :) :) i really miss those kids!

special shoutout to sasha, mitch, stan and jasonho! you guys rock! thanks for making my ogl experience a rocking one and you guys are the best ogl mates i could ever ask for! :) you guys are sweet and fun to hang out with and i'm glad i got to share this experience with you :)

well, for now, it's back to lectures, tutorials and trainings. sigh. i miss orientation, yet, life has to go on. the stress of trying to catch up is enormous and it's starting to kick in already! thank you so much to claud, zee, jen, sasha and belly for helping me with my work! i don't know how i'd make it through without you guys :)

why do all good things always have to come to an end? i'm really gonna miss orientation 2007!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

better life

it's all in the mind. i keep telling myself to push and to take just that one step forward, to lift that weight once more, cause by finishing one day of training, i know that i'm one step closer to the end of my ugh, plight.i've been pretty calm so far and let's hope that doesn't change.

chang, here's one smile for you.

orientation was good,and i enjoyed being a part of creon. after lots of bribery and corruption, we emerged as champions. yay, all hail the patriot with the pacifier and the toilet pump. :)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

1st week of school

the first week of the new year has been such a roller coaster ride! i've had so much fun :) but yet again, i've lost my voice so well done marianne. but the second week's gonna be even better! i just hope i regain my voice by tomorrow so i can shout shout and scream! :) well, so far, it's been all the boring stuff for the j1s but orientation's gonna look up soon and i'm excited! :) :) i can't wait for it to begin! for now, i'll just let the pictures do the talking!

huayshan's 18th :D :D

ahh! this was a fantastic way of spending new year's day: with my favourite people of all time :) it was such great fun hanging out at the twins' and it's always a joy to have a meal in their house because you know you'll leave happy and satisfied. it's like satisfaction guaranteed :) it was a surprise party that went well! and it was a fantastic day. i can't say how much i miss these fellas! :) and spending time with them never fails to make my day! :) so happy birthday huayshan! :) hope you enjoyed yourself too! LOVE :D

og 12!

although it's been a short week, i'm really glad to have gotten such a great group. I must admit, they were quiet on the first day and i understand it's natural, but the last day was a blast! i had so much fun being their ogl because they were enthusiastic and they mixed around! :) as an ogl, nothing beats watching your og enjoy themselves. so thank you og 12, for making my ogl experience a wonderful one. i hope to see you guys around! and thanks for the chocolate :)

shirt making! :)

who knew making your own shirts could be so much fun? sure, it was a monotonous and tiring task and there were many times where i felt like tearing keith into a million pieces, i must admit, i had lots of fun with these fellas :) and i couldn't have asked for a more interesting way of spending my saturday afternoon/evening. and i'm proud to say: i'm wearing what i made :) :) haha. so thank you keith, christin, jo and vincent and all the solaris ogls who helped in one way or another :) i hope you guys like the shirts!! :) :) :)

mao's 18th :D


i thought badminton was bad but this takes the trophy man. i really am considering quitting. why? i don't know. i'm not usually a quitter, i can confidently say. i work hard if i want something and i earn it. but this time i feel like i'm working towards a dead end. i feel baffled by the superficiality of the people around me. yes they sympathise but i wonder, are they discreetly rooting for my failure? cause my success would mean their demise. i've been suffering from mental torture ever since day one. i've been holding on. but nothing i do or achieve is good enough. i'm repeatedly reminded how lousy i am, how weak i am, how useless i am. what gets me most is when i am told that i don't try, that i am not giving enough. and it's transformed me into someone selfish,superficial and angry. i've been thinking things that are so violent, i'm surprising myself. if only i could just quit, just devote my days to volunteering. but something is holding me back and i dont know what.

when i say things are alright, i'm usually lying.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


what makes a day special? i think it's when everyone forgets abt themselves and swarm around you, trying to do anything to make you happy. yesterday was my special day, and seriously i am overwhelmed and in love with all that's been given to me. it's like there's a personal touch in every gift and that gets to me. everything's just really precious.

i really appreciated everything, and every, every single message or testimonial, or tag, went a long way to make my day even better. so thanks so much to everyone.
esp: vanessa chong, sara bay, rui yi, ching hui, pui yee, deborah, elise, lina, marianne,chang, cherlyn,corrine, brother, mother, father:)

oh, and not forgetting creon people, who insist on taking advantage of my ability to buy alcohol

have a good year everybody. start it right :)

i enjoy cleaning toilets. i use a toothbrush.