huayshan and marianne

Sunday, October 31, 2010

about being surprised.

just thought i'ld spice up the blog with a picture that displays the face that i usually make everytime tells me something i don't know about. Use xx to treat yy, *make face*. Press xx to assess for yy, *make face*.

ANYYYWAAAYY today i was uber keen and went to hospital on a saturday at 8am to go on call, a-lone. almost didnt go but am glad i did, doctor i followed was so nice and i got to take more blood, AND AND exciting bit- i took two alone without any supervision!! *bounces around*

i've been terrified of doing it but i've overcome my fear, whooop! it's just that sometimes i cannot imagine myself ever being able to function once i graduate and it's so nice when i am able to do things i never thought i could do. It's like i've always felt like this whole thing has been a haze and a dream and that somehow i'll never end up practising cause i'll definitely fail at some point-im just waiting for that day to come. but it feels to me like the more fears i overcome, the closer i am to it.

gonna rest today! deserve it :))

ps im sorry if it seems like im bragging i really don't mean to but im just genuinely so happy and excited!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

about eating too much cream

someone pointed out to me that i've been eating creamy pasta everyday for the past month. im probably going to get ill if i don't stop. bolognese sauce tmr!!

Again........ nothing else has been going on other than waking up and going to hosps. two of my presentations went well, am happy cause i spend ages working on the powerpoint slides and practiced talking about it about a million times. it's always nice when something u work for goes well.

Over the past week, I took some bloods, carried a baby(who then peed on me), clogged the female toilet in the locker room and oh, fell down the stairs twice. It is very very humiliating cause i fall in an i-cant-control-my-body way. so i end up flat on my face or on my bum with my stuff scattered all over the place. And i always fall in front of a couple of guys. Who stare at me in bewilderment and offer me very sympathetic are-you-okays which makes me even more humiliated cause i rather people laugh! note to self- walk CAREFULLY.

hokay. shower time. im going out tomorrow, for some halloween thing but dont get excited kiddies cause im wearing the exact same thing i wore last year. yes. i am boring and lame. zzzz


Thursday, October 21, 2010

about motivation

Some people absolutely hate being in hosps- in a way i can completely understand cause you're constantly feeling like an annoying parasite- I start every sentence with "Hi I'm a third year student.." and you can just see the nurses and doctors' facial expressions change as you utter those damning words -_-

But a nurse once said to me that I'm meant to be annoying cause that's the only way I'm going to learn- at least I'm being annoying for a valid reason. Seriously everyday I embarrass myself at least once standing around looking at doctors with dopey bewildered eyes, while they ignore me to like you know, save lives. hahaha but i have learnt to be thick-skinned *nods*

I've got to do this self-directed learning student project thing-so I chose strokes and have been on the ward a lot going on ward rounds, stalking dieticians and physiotherapists and sitting in during clinics. I like it cause I organise all my own teaching so if I see someone doing something that I dont know about I run to them and ask if I can tag along.

not all bright and cheery though, i got so mad at a consultant today i sulked throughout his teaching. he's such a bastard seriously, i asked a qn, a stupid one but i really didnt get it and he had said to ask any qns. And he just gave me a look and ignored the question completely. Typical old fat snobbish twat that thinks he's all that. Yea I was really quite pissed off.

Also am liking the other students at my placement- this one guy had yellow paint smeared all over his jacket sleeve so we spent our break looking for solutions on the internet- then someone suggested white spirits, not sure if he was kidding, and said guy found it somehow, not sure if he nicked it from an alcoholic or something haha and got the paint AND colour off his jacket. brilliant.

off to zzzz



ps taylor swift is still awesome.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

about feeling very stressed!

yea what's new. i've got a pile of things to do that's just frustrating me but i'm trying to get on top of everything yes i am.

Things have been going okay, i really really enjoy my days now- kinda got the hang of being in hospitals and I like how I've kinda gotten to know some doctors better, it's always nice seeing familiar friendly faces around. I think one doctor seems to like me cause he keeps picking on me and showering me with well dones despite my very blatant stupidity, so I'm planning to beg him to let me get blood off people when I next see him.

I saw a really interesting patient last week and I was so intrigued by him that I've been going to speak to him everytime I get the chance- he has something called Korsakoff's and it's amazing seeing the manifestations of the condition in an actual human being. Basically he forgets stuff and makes things up to fill the blanks in his memories and a couple of things he made up were quite amusing. I've got to do a presentation on a patient next week and I think he's my man =)

It's also nice learning about things that are relevant. I've been given a lot of mini assignments by random consultants to learn about random conditions and I like doing it even though it's a lot of work cause I feel like it's all relevant and making sense. It's a really nice feeling never feeling bored with your work.

But i'm still stupid and lazy. At times. Most of the time.



Sunday, October 10, 2010

about becoming a princess.

everyone ready for another major update that may potentially bore the bejesus out of you? yes? yes.

1) im crazily addicted to Mine(Taylor Swift) and Two is better than one( Boys like girls feat. Taylor Swift). See the pattern?

2) i had my first GP placement on Friday- it's once a fortnight- and guess what, one of the guys in my group is the prince of jordan. yes. it's true cause in between seeing patients i blurted out, are you really a prince?

3) GP placement this year is bloody cool cause we spend mornings sitting in GP consultation rooms and patients see us before the GP and we speak to them for a bit and then the GP comes in to do the proper consultation with the help of our notes. Cool stuff, but it didnt work out so well- my first patient was an angsty chinese lady who kept asking for a real doctor -_-'''

4) Another assignment is to follow 1 pregnant lady until after she gives birth and follow a baby. Follow meaning check up on how they're doing every few weeks to get a better idea about the development of a baby etc. So we hung around baby immunisation clinics trying to poach as many babies as we can, and they are so cute makes me so happy seeing babies!!!!!

5) Best part of my day was when I got to give out flu jabs!!!!!! It's actually surprisingly idiotically easy, and I can get my injections signed off- we have this ridiculous booklet with a list of procedures that we have to get signed off- and it's just stupid cause in hospitals millions of students walk around with eager eyes looking for ppl to poke and molest.

gotta go!!!!!!


Sunday, October 03, 2010

about being redundant and stupid.

one thing i've learnt about being in hosps is that you really have to be perseverant and patient. Out of the 15 hours i did last night 12 were pure crap and only the last 3 hours were productive- i was close to leaving after having only 1 hour of sleep in the very awesome doc's lounge but my friend and i decided to stay and we learnt a lot from the consultant- and i felt super zzzz cause the guy with me was very smart and kept answering the qns but not in a competitive way, he's a nice guy, and the consultant kept talking to him and telling him stuff and not me which upset me but i kept telling myself nono just keep trying cause seriously, i have two choices- mope and feel stupid or work harder, keep trying and eventually get somewhere.

enough abt that, moving on to funner things..... fraid there's nothing. so sad!!! i'm liking my house a lot this year, its really nice and yea, im pretty content with everything now, nothing's bugging me. good.

got work. night!!
