marianne could we change our template cause im inspired by the white washed blogs ive been noticing :D uptoyou dudddeeee not that impt to me. MWA
im bacckkkkkkkkkkkkkk-ckkkkk! it was a great 6 days and i had a decent time tho not perfect cause of a reason i'll only tell if you are close to me and yeah! was a pretty good experience. two interviews,ucl and birmingham. in the words of a hwa chong interviewee i met at the birmingham interview, ucl slaughtered me.when i went into the room, i knocked the chair against the table and rattled the interviewer's teacups in their saucers. before i left(i was trying to be polite by pushing in my chair) i knocked the table again and rattled the teacups again. dear me i think i created quite an impression, especially with the sheepish singaporean-slanged "soweesoweesowee" that accompanied the rattling teacups!! ROARR.
birmingham was nicer to me but prob cause i was more experienced by then. hmm. shopping at birmingham was surprisingly good, i chose the right hotel. it was like orchard road all around my hotel,went to h&m and it's a great place, not in any way underrated. oh and elise and i went to h&m in london! elise was my good buddy. she caught me right ater the ucl interview when i was a wreck, declaring that i had just thrown away my future, and elise chua was both sensitive and comforting. thank you!
bought some stuff from claire's which was a really great place and im sorry i couldnt get presents for everybody yeap. bought some stuff for myself too and yeah, treated myself to a few girlie accesories and clothes. went shopping in birmingham myself and BOYYY was it great fun! though i must say that i felt a little out among the uk locals i kinda got the feeling that they looked at me differently. and not in a good way. but this one girl was like "omg great top girlfriend!" haha the interviewees i met were great ppl, which made me both happy and intimidated but some were really arrogant and deserved a whack on the head with a metal saucepan.
i'm still waiting for the results and hoping for the best but i know its extremely unpredictable. alevel results too, phew-ew. well im willing to help anyone who wants to know what the interview was like so just msg me or talk to me online. the thing is when i think back, i see that i was really myself during the interview, i spoke in a huayshan way,behaved in a huayshan way, and said things that huayshan believes in so somehow i feel pretty proud of myself. i think sincerity is important and is simply impossible to miss. oh well. pray for me (: