spent the last SIX hours at both chan brothers and in front of bambi(my vaio) trying to book flights for my parents to travel from birmingham to hanover then hanover to zurich then zurich to singapore. I was very pissed off at first but i'm cool now. trying to control my bad temper. i get frustrated when things get messy. anyhow.i hate relieving classes. the discipline mistress came into 4 of the classes i was relieving cause the classes were too noisy. i think she thinks i'm an incompetent nincompoop. which i am. cause i CANNOT SCOLD butttttt. i can teach. SO THERE. nyehnyeh. i was told today i don't have the character required to become a doctor and that i'm too bubbly. and that i am wanting to become a doctor for the wrong reasons. the statement was delivered by someone i actually like and respect very much. got me thinking and for a moment i felt very ashamed of myself kinda like i wish i wasn't so hyper all the time and laughed less and was more serious and solemn and studious looking. but it's pretty hard to change.sigh. let's see what the future holds.i can't wait for class outing with debbra and lizziemaguire. and am going night cycling with the kayakers tonight. was VERY reluctant but i guess it could be fun. i need to talk to people my age and i need to go outtttt. hung out with brother's girlfriend yesterday. she's very nice. i am aware my sentences are very short and punctuated. BURP. byebye going to eat botak jones fish and chips yummy mummy! I AM FAT!!!!!!!!!(but i can't stop myself from eating. i shall cycle my ass off tonight(: )btw if u remember the nose-bleeder i mentioned in my previous post here's an update. went to another class today that i liked and as i was talking to them i casually mentioned the nose-bleeder and they got all excited cause apparently gossip spreads quick and i then made them tell me the whole story. so apparently,the nose-bleeder decided to rub and pat the puncher's head for good luck and the puncher told him to stop. but the nose-bleeder went on and so the puncher gave him three(yes, exactly THREE) punches, wham wham wham! and WHOOSH! maroon waterfall from his nostrils. ok enough from me.