the good ol' days
great food, great company, what more could i ask for? (:
p.s: thanks for the treat deyao! don't worry, dinner on us the next time!! you'll be BALD! hehh
ok, i've gotten over all my emo-ness.
okay just some randomness i found on the twins' blog which i found very amusing. i absolutely cannot remember what made me end up in this position. hope it makes ya laugh. HOHO
okayss glad the week is over for me. well lessons are that is. till mon, it's REST for me! but i've got a whole lot of crap to do. tmr i have to spend hours staring at strangers and a blinking screen flashing numbers as i settle my PR stuff. then sat's dinner with lien(: then sun's cemetery visiting day. boo i'm lazy to go i just want a whole weekend of pure snooooozzzeeee. ROAR.
i think i'm doing a pretty good job teaching. got an increasing no of students asking for extra lessons and they sound so happy when i agree to meet them i cant help but feel honoured and happy as well. hahaha but it's getting very very exhausting i tell yah. VERY exhausting. but it's pretty great cause there are people like RACHEL cynthia and sharon who make life so much more fun during breaks!i usually spend my spare time in the lounge. today i found a book on pregnancy and spent some time thumbing thru it. hahahahha. and started dancing around rachel when i saw her cause currently she's my favourite person to see in school! aaaaalrights im tiredtiredtired.
i just need to be a tad emo heree. i can't help feeling worried about my future. about university. i definitely want to go to uk. and i can! my parents are supportive and i've got a place. but i can't help feeling uncertain. cause the place i got isn't a very prestigious one and shallow SHALLOW me ain't sure if i can be happy in a place that ain't prestigious. sometimes i take a step back,when i look at my students. the idea of going to a medical school, the idea of going to UK, the idea of going to university, is so far far away from their reach. and i should be feeling lucky instead of this. cant make up my mind. sometimes i decide i'll be happy as long as im a medical student and i'm in uk, but sometimes i think i won't be that happy after all. GOD!!! this is infuriating :( boo. BEHHHHHHHHHHH.
xxoo huayshaaaaaan
today was traumatising. i tell you ah the amount of times i want to quit a day... then i think about $$$ and i tell myself to hang on. teaching is very interesting but i would never want to be a teacher for life. like seriously.
yes, i've had yet another sucky day.
i'm so sorry for spamming this blog with angsty entries but i've just been so bogged down by stupid things that have happened.
i fucking can't stand assholes who do things and don't account for it.
helloss!okay first off mr shi's wedding was today and it was simply beautiful. wish them the best.
yay i think pictures make my blog more lively. haha alright. first thing i want to say today is that i cannot cannot live without humour. i've been laughing so hard the past few days i swear i'm getting abs. first the twins' birthday was hilarious and then there was peiying's surprise celebration which just cracked me up like crazzzzzy. ate at kenny rogers and we shared a lot of food(including a fat pot pie) and first jialing made me laugh when she stuffed the pork ribs into her mouth trying to suck out the meat and gave me that doe-eyed look when i started laughing and she didn't know whether to spit out the ribs(and appear uncouth) or to continue trying to suck out the meat(and be laughed at by me) so i ended up slicing off the meat for her. then peiying starts being all weird and stuffs a huge chicken bone in her mouth trying to eat the meat (i think) and then she spits it back on the plate and when she caught me giving her the -_- look she burst into a ridiculous peiying smile and chirped, "want some carcass??" and i seriously found that HILARIOUS and i almost laughed my dentures off.
then there was talking to my father and my brother, my father was telling us that he heard strange noises in macritchie and was racking his brains trying to figure out what bird it was when he realised it was the police conducting a search for MS. and then he wondered aloud what the noises are for,and my brother commented(in between chomping down some steamed fish) that perhaps the police could be trying to disturb MS's sleep so that he would get frustrated and eventually surrender. i started laughing again and i am laughing as i type this. i just love love love people and things that make me laugh.
any s33 people reading this please ask me about the wedding this saturday!(not mine btw if it were mine most of you'ld have received a silver invitation studded with pink roses by about erm now.)
i had a great day today!
august rush is an AWESOME show. frankly, i didn't expect much from it at all. but, it turned out great. i really loved it! such a sweet show coupled with an excellent soundtrack. i couldn't ask for more.
i am a horrid horrid girl. basically this was my plan for today. wake up at 10, head to school,teach at 11.30, leave at 1, meet jonathan and anthea at 2.30, then go shop for shoes(pretty fit has a sale,which friska introduced to me when we went out to watch charlie wilson's war which was BORING and btw friska is my very good indonesian ex-hostel friend) and go for driving at 7pm. and what happened? shanshan woke up at 130, yelped,contemplated suicide, and eventually canceled lunch with jt and anthea(sorry eh) and met her student at changi airport for extra lessons, and headed straight for driving after. man i suck.
you know ah one thing i realised when i read everyone's blog is that i'm probably the only person who spelled out his/her grades. why why why tell me why. aiyah A then A B then B lorrr.
I'm currently listening to ac/dc's highway to hell.
marianne siao char bor.